Vaisala Company is the leader in the manufacturing of electronic measurement systems and equipment used for getting meteorological data on the state of the environment required for meteorological services and for users, who need weather information in their operational activities. Vaisala is actively providing research and development of new equipment and systems.
Automatic measurement systems, developed by Vaisala are widely used by observational services, as well as by air traffic control, road maintenance services, in industry (eg nuclear power plants, oil and gas pipelines and others). Vaisala has delivered a lot of meteorological equipment and instrumentation systems to Russia and CIS countries. Vaisala products have all the necessary certificates and comply with the recommendations of the WMO and ICAO.
IRAM has been working many years successfully in cooperation with Vaisala and is its Authorized Technical Service Center in Russia.
SELEX Sistemi Integrati GmbH (until 2005 its name was GEMATRONIK), jointly owned by Finmeccanica and BAE Systems, is one of the leading companies, which develop, manufacture and deliver weather radars. Over the past ten years SELEX SI has delivered and put into operation more than 100 Doppler radars in more than 40 countries around the world.
Selex is active in such areas as air navigation devices and systems, air traffic and airport systems, air defense systems and the Navy.
Combining best practices company SELEX SI in the production of the most modern radar equipment and years of experience of IRAM in radar observations made it possible to develop multi-functional automated meteorological radar system (AMRS) «Meteor-MeteoCell».