
Automated weather support system (ASMO) is one of the main elements of a modern decision support system for winter maintenance of the runway.

Creating ASMO is a necessary step in planning the organization of work on introduction of modern technologies to improve safety on the runway during takeoff, landing and taxiing of aircraft and to increase it (runway) capacity.

AIMS «MeteoTrassa» provides necessary meteorological information for the Ground Service units about the state of its surface, contributing to effective decisions on maintaining the runway in bad weather conditions, giving warnings of severe weather (winter slipperiness, precipitation) and the optimum use of chemicals.

Purpose is to ensure the timely specialized meteorological information services on the status of runway. Information provided by the system allows terminal services and other services serving the runway, have accurate information about weather conditions and the changes and prepare for hazards, to carry out preventive measures, using modern technology winter maintenance of the runway.

Structural scheme AIMS «MeteoTrassa»


  • measurement and delivery of meteorological information and data about the state of the surface of the runway,
  • reception and transmission of data in a controlled manner,
  • control, processing, archiving and displaying data in a convenient form (map, tables, graphs)
  • map-scheme of the current state of runway surface
  • issuing warnings of severe weather (winter slipperiness, precipitation) on the runway
  • statistical processing of data (frequencies of wind speed and direction, rainfall, number of transitions through 0 ° C, etc.)
  • work with the weather radar information (optional) - map weather phenomena, rainfall over a given period on a given territory.


Used data

Types of displaying information


Thanks to its flexible architecture is the possibility of different configuration and system expansion.



As of 1 June 2017, 13 AIMS «MeteoTrassa» were installed in the following airports by ICAO Category III:

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